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Popping my digital cherry 

I've been in a creative funk for the past couple of weeks, basically just wasting my life away on the couch watching soap operas. My heart begging to create some cool new shit, but my head saying why bother... nothings selling. I know it's totally my fault, I suck at promoting my own work and I have no idea what people want. This morning even though I wasn't feeling it, I forced myself to come to work, I miss it. So I put on my work clothes instead of staying in my pj's all day, made myself a red bull smoothie (topped with whipped cream) and bought my 1st digital pattern from YAY! Within minutes of purchasing I already hit my first printer. I don't know if it is because the thing is almost as old as I am or I'm just that bad at technology but my pattern would not print to actual size. So for the past few hours, I have added roughly 3mm to the length and a bunch of extra stitch holes to over half of the pieces. Now my next step is to grab a big beautiful side of leather and cut out the gazillion pieces to this puzzle!

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Thank you, it is good to be back in the shop. I'm always up for a good talk🙂



This is Jeff Pearce knives.



Nice to see you back in the shop. When you get time. I would like to talk to you about a couple 5” long knife sheaths with pocket clips. I can send you Dimensions if your interested in making a few.

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