I am thinking about building a knife LIVE on our YouTube channel. I would go live everyday for a while and work through the next step in the process. Every step, mistake and do-over would be there for all to see. I think it would be fun to chat and answer questions as I build the project. But of course the videos would stay on the channel for replay whenever, since most of you will be at work when I do it. This would of course lead into many other knives and oneoff projects like leather work and knife making tools. For me it is frustrating to watch a How-to video that is so heavily edited that it makes a clown look like a king. What say you folks; would you watch this series?
That sounds pretty kick ass.
Yeah i would definately watch that. BRILLIANT!!!
Hell yes I’d watch it.
Awesome man, giving it some serious consideration.
Hell yes! I’d watch it live or the replay. I think it’s a great idea. It’s real, nobody is perfect.